Endurance is the ability to complete extended periods of physical activity
Dehydration reactions assemble polymers, and hydrolysis reactions break down polymers.
dehydration reaction is a conversion that involves the loss of water from the reacting molecule or ion.
Hydrolysis is defined as any chemical reaction in which a molecule of water ruptures one or more chemical bonds.
Dehydration reactions link monomers together into polymers by releasing water, and hydrolysis breaks polymers into monomers using a water molecule. Monomers are just single unit molecules and polymers are chains of monomers.
“As temperatures drop, the pavement contracts, building up tensile stresses that lead to cracking,” states MnDOT's Research Services Section. “Fractures occur every 20 to 30 feet across the lane, allowing water to penetrate the structure, which further weakens the pavement layer and the base beneath