B- at night
In eyes of the humans, and many other animals there are two types of receptors, the rods, and the cones. The cones have an important role in color vision and they possess different types of pigment which enable color vision.
On the other hand, the rods are more sensitive to light, and they are responsible for black and white vision.
Therefore, an increase in the number of rods can enable the animal to see betther in the dark.
v = f lambda
in vac ... 3X10^8 = 600x10^-9xf
in glass speed slower, poss 2/3 that of vacuum
The friction force is the weight force times the coefficient of friction. So diving by the coefficient gives you the weight force which is equivalent to the normal force.
Because it always happens everyday, everytime, everyseconds...
Like typing on a keyboard, pushing a table. And if you're an engineer, you must able to measure it...
Bad english...