If you are under a tree, they kind of act like lightning rods, so stay away from trees, so roll in dat grass. Fun Fact: Lightning comes from the ground more than it comes from the sky, its like when you rub a blanket on your head, some lil' lightnings come from your head while a little come from the blanket, its the same with grass and clouds only, 10000 volts stronger and deadly.
Sattelites don't need any fuel to stay in orbit. The applicable law is...."objects in motion tend to stay in motion". Having reached orbital velocity, any such object is essentially "falling" around the earth. Since there is no (or at least very little) friction in the vacuum of space, the object does not slow.... It simply continues.
Sattelites in "low" earth orbit do encounter some friction from the very thin upper atmosphere, and they will eventually "decay".
3: the electricity is generated in the permanent magnet