B) Gets smaller
The difference of phase between current and voltage in a AC circuit is the phase angle and it depends on the value of Z ( circuit impedance)
Z = R + X where R is the resistive component and X the reactance component, which is due either to a presence of an inductor or a capacitor. In any case the total impedance depends on R the resistive, and the phase angle φ is:
tan⁻¹ φ = X/R
Have a look to a pure capactive circuit (we are talking about AC current) in this case current leads voltage by 90⁰. If we add a resistor in the circuit the current still will lead a voltage but in this condition the phase angle will be smaller,
If R increase, X/R decrease and tan⁻¹ φ also decrease
Found in the nucleus, Has mass of one amu
Becasue when you rubbed your hair while you were putting on your sweater it caused it to rub against together causing electricity thingy lol. and thats why your hair goes straigh tup.