<em>Desktop refers to the main screen of the computer. It is the first screen you see after logging in. The desktop’s appearance can vary widely because it is highly customizable, but generally desktops will feature a large image, icons, and a taskbar(covered later on this page).</em>
System integration can be defined as the progressive linking and testing of system components to merge their functional and technical characteristics into a comprehensive interoperable system.
critical stress = 595 MPa
given data
fracture toughness = 74.6 MPa-
crack length = 10 mm
f = 1
we know crack length = 10 mm
and crack length = 2a as given in figure attach
so 2a = 10
a = 5 mm
and now we get here with the help of plane strain condition , critical stress is express as
critical stress =
put here value and we get
critical stress =
critical stress = 595 MPa
so here stress is change by plane strain condition because when plate become thinner than condition change by plane strain to plain stress.
plain stress condition occur in thin body where stress through thickness not vary by the thinner section.
fluid power
fluids commonly used in fluid power are Oil, Water, Air, CO², and Nitrogen gas, fluid power is commonly confused with hydraulic power, which only uses liquids, fluid power uses either liquids or gases