I'm going to make a list of everything you need to consider for the supervision and design of the bridge.
1. the materials with which you are going to build it.
2. the length of the bridge.
3. The dynamic and static load to which the bridge will be subjected.
4. How corrosive is the environment where it will be built.
5.wind forces
6. The force due to possible earthquakes.
7. If it is going to be built in an environment where snow falls.
8. The bridge is unique,so the shape has a geometry that resists loads?.
9. bridge costs.
10. Personal and necessary machines.
11. how much the river grows
(A) Because the angle of twist of a material is often used to predict its shear toughness
In engineering, torsion is the solicitation that occurs when a moment is applied on the longitudinal axis of a construction element or mechanical prism, such as axes or, in general, elements where one dimension predominates over the other two, although it is possible to find it in diverse situations.
The torsion is characterized geometrically because any curve parallel to the axis of the piece is no longer contained in the plane initially formed by the two curves. Instead, a curve parallel to the axis is twisted around it.
The general study of torsion is complicated because under that type of solicitation the cross section of a piece in general is characterized by two phenomena:
1- Tangential tensions appear parallel to the cross section.
2- When the previous tensions are not properly distributed, which always happens unless the section has circular symmetry, sectional warps appear that make the deformed cross sections not flat.
Why 1+12+ Y3 < 1100
Says the state of university Need to purchase 1100 computers in total, we have the following answer on the way top
Answer: Outside an intersections