2200000 = 2.2E6 min for light from Proxima to reach earth
8.3 min from light sun to reach earth
2.2E6/8.3 = 2.56E5 times for light from Proxima
Proxima is about 256,000 times farther away than the sun
Since the sun is about 93,000,000 = 9.3E7 miles from earth
Proxima is then 9.3E7 * 2.56E5 = 2.4E13 miles away
Note - the speed of light is
3.00E8 m/s * 60 s/min / 1000 m/km = 1.8E7 km/min as given
(b) EAST
you can assume that the magnetic field points rightward, that is, in the positive x direction (NORTH). Furthermore, you can assume that the direction of the motion of the electron is in the positive y direction. Hence, you have:

You use the Lorentz formula to known which is the direction of the magnetic force over the electron:

which implies the cross product between the unitary vecors j and i, that is
However, the minus sign of the charge of the electron changes the direction 180°. Hence, the direction is k. That is, to the EAST
Asia is the largest continent.