The element is germanium (Ge)
First of all we are considerating a neutral state element, meaning that it has the same amount of electrons and protons.
Also, [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p2. means that the unknown element has the same electronic configuration as Argon, plus the electrons in the 4s, 3d and 4p.
Argon has 18 electrons and protons (atomic number Z=18)
The element has 2 electrons in 4s, 10 in 3d and 2 in 4p: 2+10+2=14
The total electrons it has is: 14+18=32 electrons, and as we said before it also has 32 protons.
Once calculated the protons, we know the atomic number (Z=32) and we can look in the periodic table the element with Z=32.
That element is germanium (Ge)