salt particles make it harder for water particles to freeze back onto the ice
ice that is in contact with dissolved salt melts faster
Phenobarbital is derivative of
Barbituric Acid and Barbituric Acid is derivative of
Urea. (structures shown in Fig below)
Urea has H</span>₂N- group attached to Carbonyl Group (C=O), and such class of comounds conataining H₂N-C=O bond are called as Amides.
Result: So, <span>Phenobarbital belongs to
Fossils, the shape of continents, the mid-ocean ridge system, sea floor sediment deposits, and the magnetism of rocks.
Fossils, the continent's shape, the mid-ocean ridge system, sea floor sediment deposits, and the magnetism of rocks on the sea floor are the evidences that support the theory of plate tectonics in the area. Fossils provides information to us when and where plants and animals once existed. Due to diverging plates, some life became isolated, and evolved into new species. Continental ‘fit’ through coastline matching. Some division of continents look as though they should fit together, e.g. South America and Africa.
A experimental investigation