Here are the possible answers for the following questions above:
1. H-CC-H (name) - C<span>. ethyne
</span>2. cyclic compound with both saturated and unsaturated characteristics - G<span>. benzene
</span>3. CnH2n - E<span>. general formula for alkenes
</span>4. reaction typical of unsaturated hydrocarbons - A<span>. addition
</span>5. CnH2n-2 - F<span>. general formula for alkynes
</span>6. series name of hydrocarbons with triple bond - D<span>. alkyne
</span>7. CnH2n+2 - B<span>. general formula of alkanes</span>
The pineal, hypothalamus, and pituitary are located in the BRAIN
The thyroid, parathyroid, and thymus are located in the
The adrenals, pancreas, testes, and ovaries are located in the NEAR THE KIDNEY
The pineal, hypothalamus, and pituitary are located in the BRAIN
The thyroid, parathyroid, and thymus are located in the
The adrenals, pancreas, testes, and ovaries are located in the NEAR THE KIDNEY
Light years? if you are talking about the distance to the star.
What is true about an atom in an excited state? Select all that apply:
A. It is less likely to enter chemical reactions.
B. It is more likely to enter chemical reactions.
C. It has less energy than a ground state atom.
D. It has more energy than a ground state atom.
Because water is polar and oil is nonpolar, their molecules are not
attracted to each other. The molecules of a polar solvent like water are
attracted to other polar molecules, such as those of sugar. This explains
why sugar has such a high solubility in water. Ionic compounds, such
as sodium chloride, are also highly soluble in water. Because water
molecules are polar, they interact with the sodium and chloride ions.
In general, polar solvents dissolve polar solutes, and nonpolar solvents
dissolve nonpolar solutes. This concept is often expressed as “Like
dissolves like.”
So many substances dissolve in water that it is sometimes called
the universal solvent. Water is considered to be essential for life
because it can carry just about anything the body needs to take in
or needs to get rid of.