86701 Micrometers.
Multiply 0.86701 dm by 100,000 to get 86701 um.
The answer is "
Air flowing into the
Flow rate of the mass 
inlet temperature 
Its air is modelled as an ideal gas Apply the ideum gas rule to the air to calcule the basic volume v:

robotic technology
Innovation is nothing but the use of various things such as ideas, products, people to build up a solution for the benefit of the human. It can be any product or any solution which is new and can solve people's problems.
Innovation solution makes use of technology to provide and dispatch new solutions or services which is a combination of both technology and ideas.
One such example of an innovative solution we can see is the use of "Robots" in medical science or in any military operations or rescue operation.
Sometimes it is difficult for humans to do everything or go to everywhere. Thus scientist and engineers have developed many advance robots or machines using new ideas and technology to find solutions to these problems.
Using innovations and technologies, one can find solutions to many problems which is difficult for the peoples. Robots can be used in any surveillance operation or in places of radioactive surrounding where there is a danger of humans to get exposed to such threats. They are also used in medical sciences to operate and support the patient.
Solution :
The nuclear reaction for boron is given as :

And the reaction for Cadmium is :
![$^{113}\textrm{Cd}_48 + ^{1}\textrm{n}_0 \rightarrow ^{114}\textrm{Cd}_48 + \gamma [5 \ \textrm{MeV}]$](
We know that it is easier that to shield or stop an alpha particle (i.e. He nucli) as they can be stopped or obstructed by only a few centimetres of the material. However, the gamma rays ( γ ) can penetrate through the material to a greater distance. Therefore, we can choose the first one.