Il existe troi types de rayons produits lors de la désintégration des éléments radioactifs:
-- "particules alpha" . . . noyaux d'hélium, composés chacun de 2 protons et 2 neutrons
-- "rayons bêta" ou "particules bêta" . . . flux d'électrons
-- "rayons gamma" . . . rayonnement électromagnétique avec les longueurs d'onde les plus courtes connues et l'énergie la plus élevée
A : hot and moist, maritime tropical
B: cold and dry, maritime polar
C: hot and moist , maritime tropical
D: cold and dry, continental polar
E: hot and moist , maritime tropical
F: cold and dry , maritime polar
Cold air is denser than warm air. The more water vapor that is in the air, the less dense the air becomes. That is why cold, dry air is much heavier than warm, humid air.
Maritime polar (mP) air masses are cool, moist, and unstable. Some maritime polar air masses originate as continental polar air masses over Asia and move westward over the Pacific, collecting warmth and moisture from the ocean.
Maritime tropical (mT) air masses are warm, moist, and usually unstable.
Example 1, if a vernier caliper output a measurement reading of 2.13 cm, this means that: The main scale contributes the main number(s) and one decimal place to the reading
E.g. 2. 1 cm, whereby 2 is the main number and 0.1 is the one decimal place number
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