All of the elements in a period have the same number of atomic orbitals. For example, every element in the top row (the first period) has one orbital for its electrons. All of the elements in the second row (the second period) have two orbitals for their electrons. As you move down the table, every row adds an orbital.
1- Yo VOY A la biblioteca
2- Nosotros VAMOS A la piscina
3- Mis primas VAN AL gimnasio
4- Tú VAS de excursión
5- Ustedes VAN AL parque municipal
6- Alejandro VA AL museo de ciencias
Las preguntas refieren en su totalidad a la conjugación temporal del verbo "ir". Así, refiere a conjugar dicho verbo en tiempo presente simple, el cual se conjuga de la siguiente manera:
Yo voy, el va, tú vas, nosotros vamos, ellos van, ustedes van
Así, debe interpretarse la persona o personas que realizan la acción, para determinar así como se conjuga dicho verbo.
The bug was a lot smaller than the car, that's for sure. The car is bigger and sturdier, while the bug is smaller and frail. The bug is so frail, that rather that putting a dent in the car, it splatters all over the car. The bug is very damaged (obviously), while the car just needs a good wash.
It is called photosynthesis.