Resistance = voltage / current.
That's. 120v / 14A = 8.57 ohms.
By the way, voltage doesn't "run through" anything. Current does. That would be the 14 Amps.
I am sure it is frequency
2.06 m/s
From the law of conservation of linear momentum, the sum of momentum before and after collision are equal. Considering this case where we have frictionless surface, no momentum is lost in the process.
Momentum before collision
Momentum is given by p=mv where m and v represent mass. The initial sum of momentum will be 9v+(27*0.5)=9v+13.5
Momentum after collision
The momentum after collision will be given by (9+27)*0.9=32.4
Relating the two then 9v+13.5=32.4
V=2.055555555555555555555555555555555555555 m/s
Rounded off, v is approximately 2.06 m/s
In the nucleus
You find it in the nucleus. This is where protons and neutrons are. Don't forget the quarks as well ;)