You have to read this carefully enough that you don't mix up energy and forces.
Gravity is a force. If you don't believe me try jumping off a building. Which way are you going to go and why? Down because gravity attracts your mass.
So Magnetism must be a force as well. It acts in one direction, but not a specific one the way gravity acts). It also either attracts or repulses (pushes an object away)
Answer A
The bulb is not powered because the negative end of the battery is not connected to the electric current,making it dysfunctional. The electrons have to flow through the positive and negative ends of the battery in order for it to work.
Hope this helps.
The answer is D, because the collision's between molecules are elastic, not inelastic.
1, 2, and 3.
In this process, since the phase transitions that require energy are those that pass from a state with less energy or more molecular order to a state with more energy or less molecular order, say, from solid to liquid (melting), from liquid to gas (boiling) and from solid to gas (sublimation), we can conclude that the arrows representing heat energy gained are 1, 2, and 3 since 1 represents boiling, 2 melting and 3 sublimation.
Best regards.