#1- the percentage is 2.77%
#2 - 218.1336g
#3- 7.89%
#4- 63.8489g
#5- 136.1406g
#6- 340.3515g
#7- 2.387238
A pH value of 3
The pH scale has 14 numbers:
- 7 is a true natural
-anything above 7 is a base
-and anything under 7 is an acid
pH of three is a strong acid
The temperature of the air, pavement, and the type of ice-melt compound used will affect the rate at which the ice melts. There are many different ice-melt compounds available from traditional rock salt (sodium chloride) to ice-melt pellets (calcium chloride).
I think it's
there are the same number of molecules on each side of the equation, then a change of pressure makes no difference to the position of equilibrium