
It's a vector magnitude that measures the space traveled by a particle between an initial and a final position. The total displacement can be obtained by adding the vectors of each individual displacement. In the case of two displacements:

Given a vector as its polar coordinates (r,\theta), the corresponding rectangular coordinates are computed with

And the vector is expressed as

The monkey first makes a displacement given by (0.198 km,0°). The angle is 0 because it goes to the East, the zero-reference for angles. Thus the first displacement is

The second move is (145 m , -15.8°). The angle is negative because it points South of East. The second displacement is

The total displacement is

In (magnitude,angle) form:

Answer: You can betterly understand what's around you and how it works
Hipparchus was an ancient Greek who classified stars based on the brightness in 129 B.C. He grouped the brightest stars and ranked them 1 (first magnitude) and dimmest stars as 6 (sixth magnitude). Thus, the smaller numbers indicated brighter stars. Now, the scale extends in negative axis as well. More the negative number, brighter is the star. For example, Sun has magnitude -26.74.
This the apparent magnitude which means the classification is based on the brightness of the star as it appears from the Earth.
False, as an object falls its potential energy turns into kinetic energy thus decreasing the potential energy.