The protons determines the atomic number which helps in identifying an atom of an element
It stays constant, because it's using that energy to change state
The one that research has determined about the orbit of an electron around nucleus is : Each sub-level electron type has a unique path where it will likely to be found
Here are the sub levels of an electron :
-sub level s, maximum number of 2 electrons
- sub level p, maximum number of 6 electrons
- sub level d, maximum number of 10 electrons
- sub level f, maximum number of 14 electrons
The direction will be NE i.e North east.
From the question, it will be travelling in North east direction because the the negative X components in vector is in horizontal direction which is the Eastern direction when using the four cardinal points and the Y components, the positive is in North direction if you use the four cardinal points. Therefore, the vector with both X components and Y components will be travelling in Northeast direction.