Scientists use models to show the characteristics of compounds. Of the different models,ball-and-stick model and space-filling model are commonly used but similar. Ball-and- stick model shows the bond between both atom and not the relative size of the atoms. Space-filling model shows the relative size of the atom and not the bond between the atoms. Both are 3-Dimensional and use color spheres within the model.
2 elections will fill the first energy level
1. Energy intensity (primary energy consumption divided by GDP) for the world and various countries. The lower the value, the less energy is used to generate economic output, so lower means more efficient in a sense.
2.Lower Your Thermostat. Adopt the habit of lowering the temperature on your thermostat while away from home.
Start a Compost Pile.
Install Low-Flow Showerheads.
Seal All Windows.
Limit Space Heater Use.
Turn Off Unnecessary Water.
Replace Incandescent Bulbs.
Unplug Unused Chargers.