From Wikipedia:
"The Joint Commission is a United States-based nonprofit tax-exempt 501 organization that accredits more than 22,000 US health care organizations and programs. The international branch accredits medical services from around the world."
Reading the Food Label the serving size determines how much food that can feed a set amount of people for example Kraft mac and cheese has a serving size of 2-4 people which means that is roughly how many people you can feed on that box .
The right answer is True.
Researchers now estimate that simply measuring the resting pulse can be used to assess the risk of sudden death. The lower it is, the lower the risk. Studies showed that those whose heart rate increased over the years had a higher mortality in the years that followed (due to the risk for heart attack) than those in which she stayed. stable. Those who, at the same time, decreased their heart rate, had lower mortality.
I would say the answer is C.
Long term effects of exercise Type of training
Cardiovascular system Cardiac hypertrophy; increased stroke volume (SV) at rest and during exercise; decrease in resting heart rate (HR); increase in cardiac output (Q); capillarisation at the lungs and muscles; increase in number of red blood cells Aerobic
Respiratory system Increased vital capacity; increase in minute ventilation (VE); increase in tidal volume (TV); decrease in breathing rate (BR); increased number of functioning alveoli; increased strength of the respiratory muscles (internal and external intercostals and diaphragm) Aerobic
Energy system Increased production of energy from the aerobic energy system; increased tolerance to lactic acid Aerobic; anaerobic
Muscular system Muscle hypertrophy; increased strength of tendons; increased strength of ligaments Resistance
Skeletal system Increase in bone density Resistance