A uniform sphere (I = 2/5 MR 2 ) rolls down an incline. (a) What must be the incline angle if the linear acceleration of the cen
ter of the sphere is to be 0.10 gb) For this angle, what would be the acceleration of a frictionless block sliding down the incline
2 answers:
Part a)
Part b)
As the uniform sphere is rolling down the inclined plane then the net force on the sphere is given as
also we have torque equation on it
for pure rolling
now we have
now we have
now given that
so we have
Part b)
If the inclined plane is frictionless then the acceleration is given as
Moment of inertia of sphere is
Here Friction will Provide torque
Also friction will oppose weight sin component
(b)Considering the coefficient of friction
acceleration of block sliding down the incline
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D A little longer than a yard (about 3 ft)
Answer: As mass increases, acceleration decreases.
can you show a graph but if not i believe the answer is x=6m
Solve the equation.it is hard to see