The average speed is 8.0 km/h
We use the data for the return journey to calculate the distance travelled using the constant velocity equation:
s = v t =6*4=24km
Note I didn't change any units so the answer comes out in kilometres.
Now use the distance and time taken to travel to Guam to find the average speed:
Eclipses: Eclipses are also known as game of shadows where one object comes between the star(light source) and another object in a straight line such that the shadow of one object falls on other object. This can occur when the apparent size of the star and the object is almost same.
Talking about the Earth, the geometry is such that the Moon and the Sun are of same apparent size as seen from the Earth. Thus Lunar and Solar eclipse can be seen from the Earth. If we were to go on any other planet the same phenomenon can be seen provided the apparent size of moon and the Sun from that planet is same.
We have seen and recorded many such eclipses on Jupiter. These are from the perspective of Earth. When the moons of Jupiter comes exactly between the Sun and Jupiter the shadow of moon will fall on Jupiter. The places where the shadow falls, one will see a solar eclipse.
Plate Tectonics cause most earthquakes.
Motaion would be it have a good day