Answer: B, a fusion recrion creates waste material that is easier to store than fission.
Fusion produces far less harmful waste than fission does. The reliance of something independent like whether a reaction will stop on its own when something goes wrong is never indefinite (technological failures are unpredictable and destructive a lot of the time when it comes down to nuclear power).
C. As scientists have learned more about chemicals, they have become more aware of their dangers
Chemicals are substances with standard compositions, held together by chemical bonds. Chemicals can exist in different phases such as solid, liquid, and gaseous phases. Over time, with a growing understanding of chemicals, their composition, and their reaction methods, scientists now have a better knowledge of the dangers chemicals can pose. To that effect, they have created standard safety measures for those who have to work with these chemicals.
When these guidelines are strictly adhered to, the chances of suffering accidents, burns, and explosions with these chemicals are significantly reduced.
when the red litmus paper is placed in a jar of ammonia, the red litmus paper turns into blue as ammonia gas is basic in nature. It confirms the alkalinity of the ammonia gas.
b. What useful functions do oxidation numbers serve?
It is used to show oxidation and reduction (loss and gain of electrons)
b. How many molecules are in 1 mole of molecules?
1 mole = 6.022 * 10^23 molecules
c. What is the name given to the number of molecules in 1 mole?
Avogadro's Number of molecules
21. a. What is the molar mass of an element?
This is the mass of an element divided by the number of moles.
Molar mass = Mass / Number of moles
b. Write the molar mass rounded to two decimal places of carbon, neon, iron and uranium.
amu = Atomic Mass Unit
Carbon = 12.01 amu
Neon = 20.18 amu
Iron = 55.85 amu
Uranium = 238.03 amu
1 kilogram weight at sea level would be the equivalent of 2 pounds.