The triple point of carbon dioxide is 5.11 atmosphere at -56.6 degree celsius . At pressure greater than 5.11 , solid carbon dioxide liquefies , as it is warmed. At pressure lesser than 5.11 atmosphere , it will go into gaseous state without liquefying . Excessive pressure helps liquification process.
So maximum pressure required is 5.11 atmosphere. Beyond this pressure , solid CO2 will liquify.
Chlorine is a member of the halogen family. Halogens are the elements that make up Group 17 (VIIA) of the periodic table, a chart that shows how elements are related to one another. They include fluorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine.
The answer to your question is below:
Having exactly the same data as the previous experiment I think that having the same data as the previous experiment is extremely important but not the most important, for me is the second most important.
Using the same procedure and variables as the previous experiment For me, this is the most importan thing when a scientist is designing an experiment, because if he or she follow exactly the same procedure and variables, then the results will be very close.
Conducting an experiment similar to the previous experiment This characteristic is important but not the most important.
Using the same laboratory that was used in the previous experiment It is not important the laboratory, if the procedure and variables are the same, your experiment must give the same results in whatever laboratory.
An electron
proton=positive charge
electron=negative charge