An sample of an unknown metal was found in a laboratory. Determining the density of the sample can help identify what type of me
tal is present in the sample. The sample was determined to have a mass of 27.20 g when placed on a scale. When dropped in water, it increased the volume of the water by 3.46 mL. What is the density of the sample of metal?
An sample of an unknown metal was found in a laboratory. Determining the density of the sample can help identify what type of metal is present in the sample. The sample was determined to have a mass of 27.20 g when placed on a scale. When dropped in water, it increased the volume of the water by 3.46 mL. What is the density of the sample of metal? Use appropriate SIG FIGS in the answer.
If we observe the outer part of the bread, which contains tiny hole like structure, due to the gas formation inside the bread dough.
In the bread dough rising process, the industries are using the yeast, which makes the gas that separates the protein particles in the bread move apart and makes the dough of the bread rise.
In this reaction, the yeast utilizing the carbohydrate to make a gas namely carbon-di-oxide gas which makes the dough to rise