We can conclude that Einhorn decides not to steal according to the pre-conventional level where as Finkle decides per the conventional level according to Kohlberg's theory.
Kohlberg's theory is explained in three stages:
- The pre-conventional stage where sense of moral is controlled externally by rules of authority figures such as parents and teachers.An action is viewed according to the results obtained after the act.
- Conventional stage is when a person's morals are controlled by authority figures and their positive relation to the society norms.
- Post-conventional level relies on a person's principles and values where some laws are seen as unjust.
In this case, Einhorn recognizes that if you steal, you might end up being caught and punished because it is not accepted by authority figures and could led to punishment. This is stage one. Finkle recognizes that stealing is unaccepted by the law and people in a society should avoid it.This is stage two.
We can conclude that Einhorn's decision not to steal is influenced by the pre-conventional level where as Finkle's by the conventional level according to Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
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Kohlberg's theory of moral development : brainly.com/question/8885213
Keywords: store, stealing,afraid, caught, punished, wrong, act, comparing, moral development, motivation, Kohlberg's theory
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