The pair of variables that defines motion that defines motion is a change of position and passage of time.
When a body changes its position with regards to time, such a body is said to be in motion. For example: A book that falls and water that rushes out of the tap all display motion.
<h2>Further Explanation</h2>
All the physical process of the entire planet is made up of motion and motion can either be slow or quick. However, motion can be defined in terms of distance, time, displacement and speed.
There are different types of motion and these include:
- Translational motion
- Rotational motion
- Oscillatory motion
In translational motion, all part of the object moves in the same distance and time. A perfect example of translational motion is a moving vehicle.
Rotational motion: a body is said to be in rotational motion if the body moves on its own axis. A perfect example rotational motion is the Earth because it moves on its own axis.
Oscillatory motion: an object will be in oscillatory motion if it repeatedly moves about the same position.
However, other types of motion also include:
- Uniform motion
- Non uniform motion
- One dimensional motion
- Two dimensional motion
- Three dimensional motion
- motion
- variables
- oscillatory motion
- uniform motion
- displacement
- change of position
- passage of time