Thermal energy.
Anytime energy transfers between 2 places or things some of it is 'wasted' as thermal energy (heat). This could be by friction or a change in temperature from a reaction. We say it is wasted because this heat energy serves no purpose.
The molecular formula will be a multiple of the empirical CH2O. One unit of CH2O has a mass of 12+2*1+16 = 30 g. This means that if our compound has a molecular mass of 180 g/mol, we can divide 180 / 30 = 6 units, and our compound has 6 units of CH2O. This means that its molecular formula is C6H12O6.
Because the electrons in this ionic compound arent free to move and so cannot carry charge. For an iconic compound to conduct electricity it must be a liquid, either in a molten form or dissolved in water.
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