Answer: Local governments can resolve a conflict by cooperating and spreading the costs of expensive projects. What kinds of problems cause state governments to help local governments? No economic growth or improvements are problems that cause governments to help local governments.
The De Broglie wavelength of the electron is

And we can use De Broglie's relationship to find its momentum:


, with m being the electron mass and v its velocity, we can find the electron's velocity:

This velocity is quite small compared to the speed of light, so the electron is non-relativistic and we can find its kinetic energy by using the non-relativistic formula:
Telescope is usually defined as an optical instrument that is commonly used to observe the objects in a magnified way that are located at a large distance from earth. These telescopes are comprised of lenses and curved mirrors that are needed to be arranged in a proper way in order to have a prominent look. It is commonly used by the astronomers.
This was first constructed by Hans Lippershey in the year 1608.
wavelength = v/f or wavelength equals to velocity over frequency
frequency= v/w or velocity over wavelength
frequency= 1/p or one over period or time