Less than one gram
Since there is no whole number before the decimal it means that the number is less than whole meaning it is less than one gram
Nuclear energy originates from the splitting of uranium atoms – a process called fission. This generates heat to produce steam, which is used by a turbine generator to generate electricity. Although renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power, are
important resources for a country’s energy mix, only nuclear power is
capable of producing large amounts of electricity 24 hours a day, 365
days a year.
For safety precaution which regards to employees, several federal agencies—the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. departments of
Energy and Transportation—establish radiation protection regulations for
U.S. nuclear plants based on internationally recognized scientific
For the safety precaution of power plants itself, The NRC monitors plant performance according to three strategic areas:
reactor safety, radiation safety and security.
linear angleee
lol i dont know what to put here
Buoyancy is the ability or tendency of an object to float in a fluid: a liquid or a gas. This happens because fluid pressure increases with depth. According to Archimedes' Principle, the buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the object.