proton plus neutron equal to atomic mass
Option C. the sharing of electrons between atoms
Covalent bond is a type of bond in which the reacting element share their valence electrons in order to attain the noble gas configuration.
When you are asked a question like this, you can always ask yourself this question. Can I change it back after this change? For example, if you are burning wood, you cannot bring it back to wood after you burn it, therefore, it is a chemical change. However, if you boil and evaporate water, you can make the water condense again back into its liquid form. In this case, you cannot bring the tomato back to its raw state. Therefore, cooking raw tomatoes is a chemical change.
Eggshells are made primarily of calcium carbonate. The acid in vinegar softens the calcium of the eggshell. Adding a little vinegar to the water when boiling eggs is an old cook’s trick that makes them easier to peel.
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