There are several things that can help scientists evaluate which category something belongs to. The similarity in features is one of them. If two skulls looked alike, they were probably species of the same evolutionary category. For example say humans and monkeys rather than humans and dogs.
Similarly fossils have helped scientists categorise species. Study of the chromosomes (in cases with available chromosomes) can help scientists figure out a lot about the subjects and categorise them.
Observation : a piece of info we all gather through our 5 senses
Hypotheses: a testable explanation for an observation
Data: info that scientists gather during an experiment
Experiment: a procedure that is designed to test a hypothesis
Conclusion a judgment or decision
Scientific method a series of steps
Case 1 (energy level): In an atom, an electron jumps from energy level 1 to energy level 3. ... The energy will increase.
Answer: 1. rock stone gase from developing the other difference