Proxima Centuri is 9 orders of magnitude further from New York compared to Perth
Distance of Proxima Centuri to New York = 4 × 10^16 meters
Distance of Proxima Centuri to Perth = 11000 miles
Since 1 mile = 1609 meters, distance to Perth in meters = 11000 × 1609
Distance to Perth = 17699000 = 1.7699 × 10^7 meters
Order of magnitude of the distances of Proxima Centuri to New York and Perth = 10^16/10^7
Order of magnitude = 10^9
Therefore, Proxima Centuri is 9 orders of magnitude further from New York compared to Perth.
5.50 moles of magnesium oxide is 221.6742 grams
to do this you multiply the number of moles by the molar mass
The test for this is fairly simple.
We take a glowing match or splint near the gas sample, if the glow intensifies, oxygen is present.
If a lit splint or match goes out with a popping sound, this means that hydrogen is present.
5.25 moles.
The decomposition reaction of NaN₃ is as follows :

We need to find how many grams of N₂ produced in the process.
From the above balanced chemical reaction, we conclude that the ratio of moles of sodium azide and nitrogen gas are 2 : 3.
2 moles of sodium azide decomposes to give 3 moles of nitrogen gas. So,
3.5 moles of sodium azide decomposes to give
moles of nitrogen gas.
Hence, the number of moles produced is 5.25 moles.
This exemplifies the agricultural role of water.