politics. Famous possible eg is of Werner Heisenberg in WW2. He delayed German attempt to build a nuclear bomb. US did build one ... hiroshima and nagasaki.
debbie may have got skilfully lucky by trial and error
Answer: A proton is a positively charged particle located in the nucleus of an atom.
Orient the semi-circle arc such that it is symmetric with respect to the y-axis. Now, by symmetry, the electric field in the x-direction cancels to zero. So the only thing of interest is the electric field in the y-direction.
dEy=kp/r^2*sin(a) where k is coulombs constant p is the charge density r is the radius of the arc and a is the angular position of each point on the arc (ranging from 0 to pi. Integrating this renders 2kq/(pi*r^3). Where k is 9*10^9, q is 9.8 uC r is .093 m
I answeared your question can you answear my question pleas
Answer: B. Mechanical Waves