Different types of equipment are required for proper conditioning of air because every air conditional space faces some geometrical and environmental issues or problems. There are some different types of equipment used for conditioning of air that are air system, water system and air-water system. In many cases the air conditioning of the system varies with size of the equipment.
The answer is option
C . the JFET has a PN junction
Not only is option C in the question a dissimilarity between the MOSFET and the JFET we can go on with some more dissimilarities.
1.MOSFET stands for Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistor or Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor.
(JFET) stands for junction gate field-effect transistor (JFET)
2. JFET is a three-terminal semiconductor device, whereas MOFET a four-terminal semiconductor device.
3. In terms of areas of application of JFETs are used in low noise applications while MOSFETs, are used for high noise applications