14.7 lbs
Air pressure is the weight of the air above us. It is approximately 14.7 pounds or lbs per square inch at sea level. It means that an air column weights 14.7 lbs, 1 square inch in diameter, reaching all the way up to the top of the atmosphere.
density of an object is defined to be its mass divided by the volume it
occupies. For this problem, the mass of the cube was given to be 25 g while its
volume is 125 cm</span>³. Thus, we simply divide 25 g by 125 cm³ to get the object’s density. We then calculate that the cube has a density of
0.2 g/ cm³.
you gotta rotate it 90 degrees and get that screen fixed
NOCl structure has geometry of trigonal planar and N has sp2 hybridisation. N is the central atom because it is less electronegative than O atom and Cl cannot be the central atom because it only forms a single bond. So, the central atom of NOCl is N and its hybridisation