
generally regeneration of cycle is used in the case of gas turbine. due to regeneration efficiency of turbine is increased but there is no effect on the on the net work out put of turbine.Actually in regeneration net heta input is decreases that is why total efficiency increase.
Now from T-S diagram

Due to generation
amount of energy has been saved.

So efficiency of cycle 

Effectiveness of re-generator

So the efficiency of regenerative cycle

Use protective gear. Use insulated tools, Wear flame resistant clothing, safety glasses, and insulation gloves, Remove watches or other jewelry, Stand on an insulation mat. 03. Never connect the insulation tester to energized conductors or energized equipment and always follow the manufacturer's recommendations. When installing new electrical machinery or equipment, testing insulation resistance is important for two reasons. First, it ensures that the insulation is in adequate condition to begin operation. ... The test is accomplished by applying DC voltage through the de-energized circuit using an insulation tester. Insulation resistance should be approximately one megohm for each 1,000 volts of operating voltage, with a minimum value of one megohm. For example, a motor rated at 2,400 volts should have a minimum insulation resistance of 2.4 megohms.
Saturated Pressure Temperature chart for R-22 shows 45 degF at 76 psig
65-45= 20 degF superheat