Answer - La cristalización ye un procesu químicu pol cual a partir d'un gas, un líquidu o una disolución, los iones, átomos o molécules establecen enllaces hasta formar una rede cristalina, la unidá básica d'un cristal. La cristalización emplegar con bastante frecuencia en química para purificar una sustancia sólida.

From the question we are told that:
Temperature of silicon 
Electron concentration 
Electron diffusion coefficient is
Electron mobility is 
Electron current density 
Generally the equation for the semiconductor is mathematically given by


The velocity in the pipe is 5.16m/s. The pipe diameter for the second fluid should be 6.6 mm.
Here the first think you have to consider is the definition of the Reynolds number (
) for flows in pipes. Rugly speaking, the Reynolds number is an adimensonal parameter to know if the fliud flow is in laminar or turbulent regime. The equation to calculate this number is:

is the density of the fluid,
is the viscosity, D is the pipe diameter and v is the velocity of the fluid.
Now, we know that Re=2100. So the velocity is:

For the second fluid, we want to keep the Re=2100 and v=5.16m/s. Therefore, using the equation of Reynolds number the diameter is: