Rapidez media es igual al cociente entre la distancia recorrida y el tiempo que se tarda en recorrer esa distancia.
En este caso la distancia recorrida es 400m, y el tiempo que se tarda es 30s, entonces la rapidez media va a ser:
RM = 400m/30s = 13.33 m/s
La velocidad media por otro lado, es igual al cociente entre el desplazamiento y el tiempo necesario para desplazarse.
El desplazamiento es igual a la distancia entre la posición final y la posición inicial, que en este caso eso 40m, y el tiempo necesario sigue siendo 30s, entonces la velocidad media va a ser:
VM = 40m/30s = 1.33 m/s
When we first dig into soil, it's nice and soft.( Depending on what soil it is; usually topsoil)
But when we go deeper into it, there are rocks and the soil is harder. There is bedrock at the bottom, subsoil in the middle, and topsoil at the top, which is where we walk.
The value of Q will be -8 C.
In the presence of an electric or magnetic field, matter experiences a force due to its electric charge.
A moving electric charge generates a magnetic field, and an electric charge has an accompanying electric field.
The information provided in the issue is;
The separation between and is 2m.
The separation between and is 2m.
An origin charge equals +2 C
The electric fields are identical in magnitude but are facing in different directions. As a result, the following relationship can be used
The value of Q will be -8 C.
Learn more about electric charge here
It's not true.
The crucial principle for a scientific experiment is to keep only ONE variable at a time.
In this case, the variable of this experiment is actually the tomato is in sunny part or in shady part, instead of whether applying Ca fertilizer.