Coiled tubing is often used to carry out operations similar to wire lining.
Macronutrients are simply nutrients the body needs in a very high amount e.g Carbohydrate.
MicroNutrients are simply nutrients the body needs but in little amount e.g Minerals.
So for further breakdown:
What are nutrients? Nutrients are essential elements that nourish the body in different capacities. We as humans get most of out nutrients from the food and water we ingest.
Now about Macro Nutrients: From the prefix "Macro" which means large, we can infer that macro nutrients are elements need by the body for the fundamental processes of the body, deficiency in this nutrients are very easy to spot. Examples are: Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats amd Water.
Micro Nutrients: In relation to macro nutrients this are elements that the body needs but are not needed in Large quantities. They mostly work like supporting nutrients. Most chemical activities like reaction that occur in the body are a function of micro nutrients. Defiencies in micrp nutrients may take some time to spot e.g Minerals and Vitamins
In regards to exercise: Macro nutrients are the essential ones here since they are the ones that generate energy. PS: micro nutrients dont generate energy.
In regards to rest: Both the Macro and Micro Nutrients are essentail for the overall well being of the body.
The warming causes the oceans to release CO2. The CO2 amplifies the warming and mixes through the atmosphere, spreading warming throughout the planet. So CO2 causes warming AND rising temperature causes CO2 rise. Overall, about 90% of the global warming occurs after the CO2 increase.
Answer and Explanation:
The DC motor has coils inside it which produces magnetic field inside the coil and due to thus magnetic field an emf is induced ,this induced emf is known as back emf. The back emf always acts against the applied voltage. It is represented by ![E_b](
The back emf of the DC motor is given by
Here N is speed of the motor ,P signifies the number of poles ,Z signifies the the total number of conductor and A is number of parallel paths
As from the relation we can see that back emf and speed ar dependent on each other it means back emf limits the speed of DC motor
The component of a regenerative vapor power cycle that permits only liquid to pass through to a region of lower pressure is a Valve/trap.
<h3>What is vapor?</h3>
- In physics, a substance in the gas phase at a temperature lower than its critical temperature is referred to as a vapor or vapor.
- This means that the vapor can be condensed to a liquid by increasing the pressure on it without decreasing the temperature.
- An aerosol is distinct from a vapor.
- A suspension of minute liquid, solid, or both types of particles in a gas is known as an aerosol.
<h3>Why does vapor form?</h3>
- Evaporation or sublimation are two processes that can be used to create it.
- Unlike clouds, fog, or mist, which are only suspended drops of liquid water in the atmosphere, watevaporur is a gas and cannot be seen.
- In the atmosphere, water vapor frequently exists below the boiling point.
Learn more about vapor here: