3) the pressure drop across high MERV filters is significant.
MERV (Minimum-Efficiency Reporting Value) is used to measure the efficiency of filter to remove particles. A filter of high MERV can filter smaller particles but this causes an increase in reduced air flow that is an increase in pressure drop. High MERV filters capture more particles causing them to get congested faster and thereby increasing pressure drop.
Excessive pressure drop can cause overheating and lead to damage of the filter. The pressure drop can be reduced by increasing the surface area of the filter.
Given that the temperature of the window is below the dew point it will condensate.
A psychrometric chart (like the one attached) will give you the information needed. This chart is for 14.696 psia.
On the bottom horizontal axes you have the dry-bulb temperature, in this case 70°F, going up from this point you can reach the 50% relative humidity curve (red point on chart), going horizontally from this point to the 100% relative humidity you get the dew point temperature (the point at which moisture will condensate) (blue point on chart). In this case the dew point is 50°C. Given that the temperature of the window is below the dew point it will condensate.
The tensile forces are small in most arches and usually negligible.