For each pair Independent variable and the dependent variable is -
a. How much gas is left in the gas tank vs. how far the car has traveled.
- Independent variable = how far the car has traveled
- dependent variable = How much gas is left in the gas tank
b. How much money you've spent vs. how much money is in your wallet.
- Independent variable = How much money you've spent
- dependent variable = how much money is in your wallet.
c. How far a toy car traveled vs. how much time went by
- Independent variable = how much time went by
- dependent variable = How far a toy car traveled
An independent variable in any experiment or research is a variable that is manipulated or changed in the experiment, this change leads to a direct effect on the dependent variable.
A dependent variable is a variable that is directly affected by the independent variable and it is the variable that is measured or tested in an experiment.
a. How much gas is left in the gas tank vs. how far the car has traveled.
- Independent variable = how far the car has traveled
- dependent variable = How much gas is left in the gas tank
b. How much money you've spent vs. how much money is in your wallet.
- Independent variable = How much money you've spent
- dependent variable = how much money is in your wallet.
c. How far a toy car traveled vs. how much time went by
- Independent variable = how much time went by
- dependent variable = How far a toy car traveled
Learn more about dependent variables:
The lithosphere is part of both the crust and the mantle.
It is the surface layer of the earth and also the most rigid layer. It is formed by the crust and the outermost part of the mantle. It is divided into two types: continental lithosphere and oceanic lithosphere.
The oceanic lithosphere has an approximate thickness of 50 - 100km, and the continental olithosphere of 40 - 200km.
Well first of all, you must realize that it depends on how the jumpers are distributed on the earth's surface. If,say, one billion of them are in the eastern hemisphere and the other billion are in the western one, then the sum of all of their momenta could easily be zero, and have no effect at all on the planet. I'm pretty sure what you must have in mind is to consider the Earth to be a block, with a flat upper surface, and all the people jump in the same direction.
average mass per person = 60 kg.
jump velocity = 7 m/s straight up and away from the block, all in the same direction
one person's worth of momentum = (m) (v) = 420 kg.m/s
sum of two billion of them = 8.4 x 10¹¹ kg-m/s all in the same direction
Earth's "recoil" momentum = 8.4 x 10¹¹ in the opposite direction = (m) (v)
Divide each side by 'm' : v = (momentum) / (mass) =
The Earth's "recoil" velocity is (8.4 x 10¹¹) / (5.98 x 10²⁴) =
1.405 x 10⁻¹³ m/s =
<em> 0.00000000014 millimeter per second
</em>I have no intuitive feeling for this kind of thing, so can't judge whether
the answer is reasonable. But my math and physics felt OK on the
way to the solution, so that's my answer and I'm sticking to it.
holding it and slowly moving forward 2.0m
Ice and Rock
There's also dust and sand mixed up