1.267 x 10 ^ 24 is the total number of atoms
Electrons are closer to the nucleus are in filled orbitals and are called core electrons. More energy which in nucleus called nuclear strOng energy to remove electron thars why its also a way harder too..
J.J.Thomson discovered negatively charged particles by cathode ray tube experiment in the year 1897. The particles were name electrons.
The answer is one
I will just type any rubbish here bcuz my answer should be more than 20 words..... Just know the answer is 1
In the combustion process using excess oxygen, each mole of methane results to 1 mole of co2 while ethane produces 2 moles of Co2. Under same conditions, these can be translated to volume. Hence the total volume absorbed is 10 cm3 + 20 cm3 = 30 cm3.