Gamma rays have the highest penetrating power so it can only be stopped by thick layers of dense metal. :)
746 moles of H2O are been produced from 373 moles of Al.
For every 3 moles of aluminum, you get 6 moles of H2O (double). Therefore, every 373 moles of Al, you will get double as well, that is 746 m.
Answer:48kg of SiO2, 0.5kg of Al2O3, and 1.5kg of B2O3
Will be the final product
I) 96wt% of SiO2 will amount to 96/100*50 = 0.96*50=48kg of SiO2
ii) 1wt% of Al2O3 will amount to 1/100*50 = 0.01*50=0.5kg of Al2O3
III) 3wt% of B2O3 will amount to 3/100*50 = 0.03*50=1.5kg of B2O3..
The overall product form 48+ 0.5+1.5= 50kg
The answers to the question are
1. 2nd and above order order
2. 2nd order
3. 1/2 order
4. 1st order
5. 0 order
We have 
1. For nth order reaction half life
∝ ![\frac{1}{[A_{0} ]^{n-1} }](
Therefore for a 0 order reaction increasing concentration of the reactant there will increase 
First order reaction is independent [A₀].
Second order reaction [A₀] decrease, increase.
Similarly for a third order reaction
1. 2nd order
2. 2nd order reaction
3. Order of reaction is 1/2.
4. 1st order reaction.
5. Zero order reaction.