A conjugate acid is formed from the base by accepting a proton from the acid .
A conjugate base is obtained from the Brownstead - Lowry acid when it looses a proton while the conjugate acid is obtained from the Brownstead - Lowry base when it accepts a proton. In the Brownstead - Lowry sense, acid base reaction involves the loss or gain of a proton.
Consider the hypothetical reaction; AH + :B ⇄ BH + :A. The specie BH is the conjugate acid while the specie :B is the Brownstead - Lowry base . The specie :A is the conjugate base while the specie AH is the Brownstead - Lowry acid.
Learn more about conjugate acid: brainly.com/question/10468518
If density is greater, the object sinks. Saturn is mainly composed of the lightest two gases known, hydrogen and helium. It is the only planet in our solar system whose density is less than water
Elements in the same period have the same number of electron shells; moving across a period (so progressing from group to group), elements gain electrons and protons and become less metallic. This arrangement reflects the periodic recurrence of similar properties as the atomic number increases.
The Periodic Table can predict the properties of new elements, because it organizes the elements according to their atomic numbers. ... They hope that the two nuclei at the centre of these atoms will fuse and form a heavier nucleus. When these heavy elements form, they are usually highly unstable.
When an astronaut travels from the earth to the moon, her weight changes, but her mass remains constant. <em>(C ).</em>