High-pressure areas form due to downward motion through the troposphere, the atmospheric layer where weather occurs.
heya mate
the planet Jupiter has most gravity due to its size
IV, Type of dish detergent. DV, height of foam. CV, type of container, amount of water in container, temperature of water, time the container is agitated.
Independent variable(IV)- what you change during the experiment.
dependent variable(DV)- what you're measuring during an experiment. The dependent variable is DEPENDENT because it's results DEPEND on the independent variable at play.
Constant variables(CV)- things that do not change in order to isolate the tested variables as much as possible.
83.67 m/s
Set up a calculation to convert units of measure to what you need.
You have km/s and you need m/s.
4.08km 1000 m 83.67m
----------- X ---------- = --------------- the km will cancel out and you are left
12.0 s 1 km s with m/s
A star is located 5.9 light years from Earth.
We know that : 1 light year = 9.46 trillion kilometers.
We will calculate the distance in trillion kilometers multiplying the number of light years by 9.46:
5.9 * 9.46 = 55.814
Answer: The distance is 55.814 trillion km.