One distinguishing feature between physical and chemical changes is that a physical change can be reverse or turn back to its original form, but chemical change cannot be return to its form because the material change.
Volume of the gass will decrease by three times of the original volume
Volume is inversly propotional to the pressure applied on it.
The best answer among the choices is option D. New substances are being formed will best explain that this process is a chemical change. Although, it cannot be seen directly we knew that an acid and base will undergo neutralization reaction forming a salt and water. The heat given off by the reaction can be a parameter however it does not only happens for reactions. It can also happen when dissolving substances.
Think of it this way,
Mix Iron and sulphur in a bowl. How do you separate them? Use a magnet right. Yes.
Now, mix the iron and sulphur together but know, heat them up. Let them cool for a while. After that, use a magnet to separate. You cant. This is because the compound (FeS) now has a different property from its original components.
Apply this theory onto salts.