Harassment is a form of discrimination and is a violation of law and policy. Harassment is defined as:
unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on one’s membership in a protected category, as listed on the previous screen;
conduct when the submission or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment related decisions or actions; and
conduct that has the intent or effect of unreasonably interfering with one’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment (also known as a hostile work environment).
Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) do not rise to the level of prohibited harassment. To constitute harassment, the conduct must create a work environment that would be hostile or offensive to a reasonable person. Examples of behavior that may constitute harassment include:
racial or ethnic jokes or slurs;
pictures, objects, or graphic material containing offensive content;
threatening words or gestures directed at a person because of his or her membership in a protected class;
obscene, vulgar, or abusive language;
notes or e–mails containing slurs, jokes, or abusive language;
stalking (waiting for the employee in the parking lot; hanging out near an employee’s home); and
physical assault, such as twisting a co–worker’s arm, brushing a hand across their buttocks
A person usually had two kinds of thinking, the is the way of concrete thinking and the other one is through abstract thinking. By concrete thinking, a person will just be able to rely on facts that surrounds that person. This kind of thinking doesn't go beyond facts or not be able to think out of the box. Concrete thinkers always generalized the concept of all things. The abstract thinker on the other hand, they tend to understand things through different meanings, they look things with different perspective. In simplest terms, Concrete thought is based on facts while abstract thought is based on ideas.
No red meats, salmon, and other fishes also grilled chicken.
Red meats have high saturated fat that raises risk for heart disease and high cholesterol.
ensuring the child is not laying in the water
I believe your answer is (1) my friend. Good luck!