Permanent magnet. An induced magnet would be created when a piece of iron (for example) is in contact with a magnet. Temporary magnets would be something like an electromagnet. Bar magnets are permanently magnetic unless we heat them or hammer them to cause their domains to loose alignment.
politics. Famous possible eg is of Werner Heisenberg in WW2. He delayed German attempt to build a nuclear bomb. US did build one ... hiroshima and nagasaki.
debbie may have got skilfully lucky by trial and error
i can't see the picture, it is blocked off, can you write down your question?
Displacement = 31 - 16 = +15 m
The speed of light is faster in water. The Refractive index of water is 1.3 and the refractive index of glass is 1.5. From the equation n = c/v, we know that the refractive index of a medium is inversely proportional to the velocity of light in that medium. Hence, light travels faster in water.