the difference in electronegativity is so large (2.04) that the bonding electrons spend almost all their time on the nitrogen atom.
Because calcium loses 2 electrons to become Ca2+, and nitrogen gains 3 electrons to become N3−, you need two calcium atoms and three nitrogen atoms in order to form a neutral compound.
False-- most of the time not enough energy is put into the system, so the compounds or whatever cant break down fully into their elements
With the lack of these 3 factors you throw off your health triangle and your health is unbalanced. When you eat well you can get vitamins such as "E" and "C". These vitamins help build up immune cells that help build the immune system. When a person does not get enough sleep that person is more open to viruses and bacteria. Getting the recommended vaccines help you to fight off possible diseases or illnesses. They make you immune system stronger so you can be healthier.
An hygroscopic substance is one that absorbs moisture from the atmosphere and becomes wet. Their ability to remove water from air is less than that of deliquescent substances. Most of the solid hygroscopic substances forms pasty substances and not solutions like the deliquescent compounds.
Examples are sodium trioxonitrate(v), copper(ii) oxide e.t.c
Efflorescence compounds gives off their water of crystallization to the atmosphere.
Calculate the percent of the mass that is carbon: